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Chris Christie blasted Hillary Clinton for her handling of the scandal surrounding the private email server she used while at the State Department, drawing a potentially perilous analogy to the Bridgegate scandal in his home state.
“Could you imagine if after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said, ‘Oh by the way, I’ve done all my business as governor on a private email server, and I’ve deleted now 30,000 of those emails, but trust me, none of it had to do with the bridge’?” the New Jersey governor said in a Monday interview with CNN’s “New Day.”
“Gimme a break.”
“There is ample evidence here to criminally investigate her conduct,” he added.
Clinton, he said, is refusing to be transparent and speak to her “failed” national security record.
They’re making people feel anxious in this country. And so if Mrs. Clinton starts to answer questions, interact with people, maybe her poll numbers would be different,” he said, remarking that poll numbers do not count for much anyway.
The governor has had questions surrounding his own communications in the past.
It was reported last year that 12 text messages between Christie and a top aide were deleted on a day of testimony regarding lane closures on the George Washington Bridge in 2013. Christie has maintained that he did not receive any texts.
According to WNYC’s report last December, phone records subpoenaed from AT&T showed that Christie initiated the conversation, sending three text messages to aide Regina Egea on Dec. 9, 2013, who sent nine texts herself.
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