Experience: House: District 13, 1995-Present
Home State: Texas
Running: President, United States, 2016
Total Raised: $1,445,536Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Winning: Won with 0.00%
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Total: 1
General Survey
Issue Title Candidate's Answers
1. Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

Strongly Oppose
2. Stricter punishment reduces crime

Strongly Support
3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Higher taxes on the wealthy

Strongly Oppose
5. Stimulus better than market-led recovery

Strongly Oppose
6. Vouchers for school choice

Strongly Support
7. Make voter registration easier

8. Prioritize green energy

Strongly Oppose
9. Avoid foreign entanglements
10. Expand the military

Strongly Support
11. Support & expand free trade

Strongly Support
12. Support American Exceptionalism
13. Absolute right to gun ownership

Strongly Support
14. Expand ObamaCare

Strongly Oppose
15. Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

16. EPA regulations are too restrictive

Strongly Support
17. Keep God in the public sphere

Strongly Support
18. Legally require hiring more women & minorities

Strongly Oppose
19. Comfortable with same-sex marriage

Strongly Oppose
20. Privatize Social Security

Strongly Support
Total: 124
Introduced Date Bill Number Bill Title Last Action
05/18/2017 H.R.2511 To amend title 10, United States Code, to streamline the acquisition system, invest early in acquisition programs, improve the acquisition workforce, and improve transparency in the acquisition system. 05/18/2017 Referred to House Oversight and Government Reform  (All Actions)
03/07/2017 H.R.428 Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act 03/07/2017 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.  (All Actions)
03/01/2017 H.R.1261 Federal Regulatory Certainty for Water Act 03/01/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  (All Actions)
02/16/2017 H.R.393 To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces. 02/16/2017 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 1.  (All Actions)
02/01/2017 H.Res.80 Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Armed Services in the One Hundred Fifteenth Congress. 02/01/2017 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.  (All Actions)
01/03/2017 H.R.198 Death Tax Repeal Act of 2017 01/03/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
12/15/2016 H.R.6479 Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act 12/15/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands.  (All Actions)
12/12/2016 H.Con.Res.179 Directing the Secretary of the Senate to make certain corrections in the enrollment of S. 2943. 12/12/2016 Message on Senate action sent to the House.  (All Actions)
05/26/2016 H.R.4909 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 05/26/2016 Received in the Senate. Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 502.  (All Actions)
03/15/2016 H.R.4741 Acquisition Agility Act 03/15/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.  (All Actions)
04/15/2015 H.R.1828 Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2015 04/15/2015 Referred to House Oversight and Government Reform  (All Actions)
12/10/2015 H.R.2130 Red River Private Property Protection Act 12/10/2015 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.  (All Actions)
11/16/2015 H.Con.Res.90 Directing the Secretary of the Senate to make a technical correction in the enrollment of S. 1356. 11/16/2015 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.  (All Actions)
10/22/2015 H.R.1735 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 10/22/2015 Vetoed by President.  (All Actions)
10/08/2015 H.Con.Res.81 Providing for corrections to the enrollment of the bill H.R. 1735. 10/08/2015 Message on Senate action sent to the House.  (All Actions)
08/18/2015 H.R.1597 Agile Acquisition to Retain Technological Edge Act 08/18/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Research and Technology.  (All Actions)
06/10/2015 H.R.2705 Federal Regulatory Certainty for Water Act 06/10/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  (All Actions)
03/31/2015 H.R.1186 SALTS Act 03/31/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.  (All Actions)
02/11/2015 H.R.905 LNG Excise Tax Equalization Act of 2015 02/11/2015 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
01/27/2015 H.Res.58 Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Armed Services in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. 01/27/2015 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.  (All Actions)
Total: 1466
Date Bill Number Bill Title Result Vote
01/28/1998 H.R.3127 Higher Education Reporting Relief Act
12/10/1997 H.R.2992 Parents and Teachers Know Best Act of 1997
11/25/1997 H.Con.Res.187 Expressing the sense of Congress that the museum to be known as "The Women's Museum: An Institute for the Future", in Dallas, Texas, should be designated as a Millennium Project for the United States.
11/21/1997 H.R.2942 Commercial Driver's License Devolution Act of 1997
11/20/1997 H.R.2708 Enhancement of Trade, Security, and Human Rights through Sanctions Reform Act
11/18/1997 H.R.1138 To prohibit the conveyance, directly or indirectly, of property at Naval Station, Long Beach, California, to a commercial shipping company owned or controlled by a foreign country.
11/06/1997 H.R.2847 Higher Education Affordability and Availability Act
11/06/1997 H.R.1172 United States Armed Forces in Bosnia Protection Act of 1997
10/30/1997 H.R.2438 To encourage the establishment of appropriate trails on abandoned railroad rights-of-way, while ensuring the protection of certain reversionary property rights.
10/30/1997 H.J.Res.75 To confer status as an honorary veteran of the United States Armed Forces on Leslie Townes (Bob) Hope.
10/28/1997 H.R.2667 Department of Commerce Dismantling Act
10/15/1997 H.R.2497 Medicare Beneficiary Freedom To Contract Act of 1997
10/09/1997 H.Res.268 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that no new energy taxes or fees should be imposed on the American public for the purposes of complying with the global warming treaty.
10/09/1997 H.R.1984 To provide for a four-year moratorium on the establishment of new standards for ozone and fine particulate matter under the Clean Air Act, pending further implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, additional review and air quality monitoring under that Act.
10/06/1997 H.R.1710 Medical Device Regulatory Modernization Act of 1997
09/17/1997 H.R.2490 To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
09/10/1997 H.R.2397 To amend title 38, United States Code, to extend eligibility for hospital care and medical services under chapter 17 of that title to veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart, and for other purposes.
08/21/1997 H.Res.211 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the conditions for the United States becoming a signatory to any international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
08/01/1997 H.R.1362 Veterans Medicare Reimbursement Demonstration Act of 1997
08/01/1997 H.R.922 Human Cloning Research Prohibition Act
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